The Not So Well-Known Benefits Of Ghost Immobiliser London

· 6 min read
The Not So Well-Known Benefits Of Ghost Immobiliser London

Ghost 11 Immobiliser

You require a solution to ensure your happiness and pride from car thefts. With ghost 11 immobiliser, you'll have peace of knowing that your vehicle is safe from key cloning hacking as well as keyless access.

The device is discreet and has no LED indicators, making it undetectable to thieves. Your insurance company will also recognize it because of its TASSA approval.

TASSA Approved

The Autowatch ghost immobiliser is a hidden device that operates in the background to protect your vehicle from hacking, cloning and key theft. It does this by communicating with the vehicle's ECU over its data bus, avoiding detection from common indicators used by thieves and RF scanning tools.

The device connects with the existing CAN network in your car and locks the motor by preventing it from being started unless an appropriate sequence of keys are activated. You can select a pre-programmed list of numbers or, if you'd like to add a second layer of security, you can make use of a mobile application to generate the code. This means that if you're away from your vehicle for long durations of time, you can turn off the system with the help of the app and nobody will be able to drive it without you knowing.

When it is hidden, it is impossible for a thief to take away. The CAN Bus Immobiliser is tiny and can be hidden behind steering wheels, door panels, or centre consoles. It's virtually undetectable to the naked eye. It is designed to be virtually invisible, with no "telltale" relay clicks that could indicate the fact that it was installed.

To use the system you must enter a code which is generated by the ghost app, or by pressing two unique buttons on your car. which makes it extremely difficult for thieves to get around the Ghost by using a new key or ECU swap. The CAN Bus immobiliser is extremely discreet and there are no transponders or LEDs to give away the fact that it has been installed and is particularly helpful when you own expensive or rare cars.

The Autowatch Ghost is a great immobiliser for expensive or rare vehicles. The Autowatch ghost is able to stop thieves from stealing your car and is a great option for those who are looking to replace their vehicle or have a long wait for a replacement.

CAN Bus Immobiliser

We are able to supply the latest generation of CAN bus immobilisers that are TASSA approved and fully insured, designed to protect your vehicle from high-tech thieves. These new devices are more efficient than older reprogrammable ignitions since they feature dual analog and digital immobilisation. This makes it difficult for high-tech thieves to use relays, key cloning, or signal jamming in order to steal your car within minutes.

This unique and ingenuous CAN bus system is installed by a professional installer. It uses your cars existing buttons to create a unique and changeable PIN button press sequence that must be entered before the car is able to start. It is completely silent unlike trackers and alarms which could alert thieves of its presence.

To operate the device, a thief will break into the wiring in your vehicle for the red data network CAN which is where ECUs communicate with one another (shown above in yellow). They will then use an electronic device that can inject fake messages into the CAN bus, essentially a series of messages saying "key valid" and the engine control units will recognize these and allow your car to begin.

The Ghost will not be able to accept this and prevent the car from starting. The driver then has to enter a unique, changeable PIN code which must be entered before the vehicle can start. This can be done using the buttons that are already present in your car (4-21 presses) or with an app for mobile phones, Bluetooth tag or even your own smartwatch!

This system is much superior to the lesser Ghost/Starline i96s that are available on the market, which only feature a digital engine blocker. They can also be programmed with aftermarket key fobs. This is a new generation of security that will protect your vehicle from modern and high tech key cloning techniques employed by criminals who are shady in car parks and garages throughout the UK.

No Key Fobs or LED Indicators

Ghost is a discreet device that doesn't have LED indicators to give away its presence. It's therefore unnoticeable by car thieves. Therefore, it is a fantastic option for vehicles more susceptible to theft, such as classic cars and contemporary luxury vehicles. The lack of any visible signs indicates that ghost is an effective deterrent to thieves since it does not permit the engine to start. This is even if a key is not the correct one or if the key fob batteries are low.

Our technicians can install it quickly. There is no need for additional wiring as the system is directly connected to your CAN bus information which is in the control unit of your car. This means there is no need for additional immobiliser relays. This is an important aspect because if there were any immobiliser relays then the device could be tampered with and overridden.

Once the ghost immobiliser is been installed it will prevent your vehicle from being copied or hacking. Not only will it prevent the vehicle from being started, but it will also assist you in locating it. The best part is that this is done without changes to the factory wiring. Ghost utilizes the buttons on your vehicle to generate a unique and reversible PIN code. This is then entered via an app for mobile devices that you can download on your phone. It takes 20 presses on the buttons on your car to figure out the PIN.

This technology is so advanced that it cannot be defeated by a modern-day car thief. It is an easy-to-use system that protects your vehicle from cloning and hacking. It is easily installed in modern vehicles and is an excellent solution for owners of high-end or rare vehicles.

The Autowatch Ghost anti-key clone and hacking immobiliser is a weatherproof, small device that can be hidden in your car without any requirement for wiring. It uses the buttons on your car to transmit information and is programmed to allow only you to access the ghost immobiliser. This includes a valet-mode that can be used to service your vehicle and hand it over for valet parking, without disclosing the PIN code.

Easy Installation

With cars being stolen across the country, and people having to wait for replacements or to purchase another vehicle, it is important to ensure that your joy and pride remains with you. Many times, thieves target vehicles that are in demand or that could be smashed to get parts. Ghost immobilisers are not visible to thieves, however they can be evaded or removed.

These clever devices work by communicating with the engine control unit in your car via the CAN data circuit, which means it can't be identified by thieves using the normal OBD port on your car or the diagnostics. These devices also protect against key cloning, hacking, and other forms of theft. This makes them perfect to protect your precious or expensive vehicles.

The ghost immobiliser is simple to install since it's a small weatherproof device that fits inside your vehicle. It is difficult to identify as it has no LED indicators or key-fobs. You can be sure that thieves who are looking to steal it will not be able to see it. You can also disarm the system from your phone, which means that you are the only person who can start your car.

You can select from up to 20 different button presses, giving you the option of creating an individual sequence that is only known by you. It's similar to the PIN code that you use to access your credit card or bank account. This means that you are the only one who has the right to drive away your car. If you have to leave your vehicle, it's easy to lock it once more by pressing the same sequence of buttons.

Autowatch ghost is additionally distinguished by the fact that it has been TASSA-verified and tested by experts from third parties to ensure the highest level of reliability. It also comes with a vehicle identification system that is linked to the International Security Register, which will notify authorities if your car is stolen.  ghost 2 immobiliser fitting near me  is one reason why so many people opt for the ghost immobiliser.